A canine patient with metastatic cancer undergoes total body imaging via a CT scan to assess disease burden
The mission of the Pre-medical Cancer Immunotherapy Network for Canine Trials (PRECINCT), supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, is to provide infrastructure and oversight to a highly collaborative and interactive network of researchers and clinician scientists working to accelerate the application of next generation immunotherapies through comparative oncology. Pet dogs spontaneously develop cancers that share remarkable similarities in biology, genetics, treatment response and outcome to human patients. Evaluating next generation immunotherapies and combination immunotherapies in immune competent canine patients aims not only to provide more effective treatments for these pets but also unparalleled insight into response and response prediction through correlative biomarker discovery. This work will aid human clinical trial design and accelerate the translation of novel immunotherapies and immunotherapy protocols into the human clinic.
Our mission aligns with that of the Clinical and Translational Science Award One Health Alliance (COHA). Furthermore, PRECINCT works closely with the IOTN and PACMEN Moonshot networks to accelerate implementation of cutting-edge translational diagnostic and therapeutic advances to benefit both humans and dogs with cancer.